Inveraray, Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Inveraray Jail

Inveraray Jail

Inveraray Jail was in use as a prison and courthouse from 1820 to 1889. However, it is now a living museum and a category A listed building.


It is reputed to be haunted by a number of ghosts. These include that of a formidable jailer, who exudes a threatening demenour; and "dark figures" have been reported. Other unusual occurences include children seen talking to someone that the adults cannot see, and dogs behaving strangely.

Inveraray Jail,



PA32 8TX.


For further information, please visit:


For further information, please read Haunted Britain by Richard Jones.


Visitor Information

Inveraray is a town in Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

It is on the western shore of Loch Fyne, near its head, and on the A83 road.

Pictured is Inveraray Jail courtesy of James Denham. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.